Saturday 7 May 2011

10 things we can do in one hour or less

So, you've been reading through the extensive list of services on our website and now you find yourself thinking 'But what exactly can you do in, say, one hour?' If you are not an administrative expert like us then it may be tricky to imagine how productive a virtual assistant can be in such a short time. 

So here is a list of things we can do for you in one hour - or less.

  • Research travel, hotel and meeting facilities
  • Mail merge 50-100 letters
  • Edit and proof a minimum of a five page report
  • Create multiple listings in online business directories
  • Enter 75 business cards onto your database
  • Edit and post multiple blog entries
  • Build a custom spreadsheet 
  • Research and shortlist possible suppliers of a product or service
  • Type handwritten notes from seminar or conference
  • Create a basic blog in Blogger
  • Prepare monthly invoices
  • Create a newsletters template
  • Delete spam in your inbox and sort, answer or redirect remaining messages
  • Chase outstanding invoices
  • Book and confirm your meetings
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation
Each example in the list above has been completed by us within a 60 minute times frame. 

Pretty neat, huh?

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