Monday 4 July 2011

Say 'NO' to the fakeation!

Many small business owners look upon holidays with horror. How much business will I lose because I wasn’t there to take the call? What happens if a client needs urgent support while I am away? If the only solution is to take the laptop to the poolside then think again. That’s not a holiday, that’s a fakeation!

What you need is a Business Babysitter. Someone who will take care of your incoming calls and emails while you’re away, giving you complete freedom to savour the sunshine. 

Miss Moneypenny’s business babysitting service is pretty straightforward. Thanks to modern technology, it is easy to set up email forwarding and divert your calls to one of our dedicated phone lines. When you arrive back from the pool or the beach, we can then simply provide you with a daily update. We can also arrange to contact you immediately should an urgent matter arise.

Before jetting off on your holiday, we will talk to you about all of your requirements. For example, you can specify how you would like your calls answered and if you would prefer to receive your daily updates by text or email.
With everything taken care of on the business front, all you need to do now is decide what to pack! 

For more information on holiday cover or a bespoke quote call Miss Moneypenny on 0845 5196 007 or send an email to

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